In between managing our client work and organizing our yearly Nutmeg barbeque we managed to present at a few conferences this year on some of the work we’ve done with Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS).
First, we presented at the always amazing National Human Services Data Consortium event this spring in Nashville, TN. You can learn more about the conference here and download our presentation, Connecticut’s HMIS Journey and Lessons Learned.
Next, we went local and presented “Living with HMIS: How to Use Community Data to Drive Performance” at the 2019 Union County Nonprofit Networking Conference: Doing Good Better. This is a yearly event that brings together service providers of all types in the Union County, NJ area to learn about new projects, funding, advocacy opportunities and much more. This was our first time at the event and are looking forward to returning in the future!
We think it’s important that we share the lessons learned we’ve spent several years collecting and hope you find these helpful in your communities.